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  • Allplan Official Developer

New software: UrbiCAD Emergency Management

SOFTWARE HEALTH AND SAFETY CAD: For Building and Civil Works.


UrbiCAD Health and Safety CAD

From the CAD application it is possible to draw up all the plans necessary to develop the graphics and diagrams for better definition and understanding of the preventative measures defined in the Safety Report, with indication of the technical specifications necessary.

Using the different tools included in the CAD application, it is possible to formalise all the Health and Safety Site Plans (these plans obviously vary in accordance with the type of work: building work, civil works, etc).


عن طريق برنامج CAD يمكن إعداد كل أنواع التصميمات التي تحتوي على الرسوم والأشكال اللازمة للتعريف الجيد وفهم الوسائل الاحتياطية المعرفة في الذاكرة الامنية ،مع التغيير عن التفاصيل التقنية الضرورية.

بواسطة الوسائل المتعددة التي يحتوي عليها برنامج CAD يمكن إعداد كل التصاميم الذكورة فيما يلي [ التصميمات يمكن أن تختلف حسب نوع المشروع : أشغال عمومية، عمليات هدم، أشغال مدنية ...]

EMERGENCY SOFTWARE: Self-Protection Plans and Emergency Management.


UrbiCAD Self-Protection Plans

This application permits the development of the Self-Protection Plan for any type of facility or building (Hotels, Hospitals, Universities, Industrial Plants, Commercial Offices, etc).

The various programs permit:

  • The design of the Self-Protection Plans for buildings, industrial facilities, commercial offices or any other installations: The system allows Self-Protection Plans to be documented and formalized for the development of Emergency Plans for fire or other risks including evacuation plans for buildings and offices.
  • Plan creation: Using the CAD tools, maps and diagrams can be created, automating design processes, locations, signage, meeting points, evacuation routes, itineraries, protection equipment and symbols, location of equipment, accessibility, enclosure of action zones, establish fire load criteria, integrity and thermal insulation of elements and structures, etc.